Preparing for Digital Disruption for Business

The world’s largest hotel chain, Airbnb owns no hotel, the world’s largest taxi company owns no cars, the world’s largest media company facebook creates no content and the world’s largest retail company, Alibaba creates no inventory.

Digital disruption is coming to companies and industries overnight. Preparing for the unknown is important. Either by choice or circumstance, every career gets disrupted.

Disruption isn’t about what happens to you but it is about how you respond to what happens to you, hence the reason why you need to prepare now. So we have different waves.

How do you stay ahead?

Learn from disruptors: Take a look at businesses in the same niche with you and master their business process. Understand their strategy and predictions for the future. This learning curve will give you the inspiration you need to stay ahead in business.

Improving Core Products and Services: Every new improvement or feature you add to your products and services places you ahead of other businesses. Technology will help you a lot to achieve this and keep your ROI increasing.

Interested in more ways to stay ahead of digital disruption? You need to attend Innovate Her 2019

Use technology to solve real problems is the ideal way to embrace disruption. Technology has a huge application and the next wave of disruption. Digital disruption is an unstoppable force and trying to fight is a futile effort.


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